I think this is a misconception in some ways. True it is not a super strong year for supporting performances. But that doesn't mean that we didn't get any great performances. I can think of about three actors nominated throughout both of these categories that truly deserve to be remembered long after the awards season is over. Also most of these performances came from actors who the audience has always relied on to give us great performances over the years, no matter the quality of the film.
So without further ado, here is a look at the nominees for Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress:
Robert Duvall - The Judge
Ethan Hawke - Boyhood
Edward Norton - Birdman (or The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
Mark Ruffalo - Foxcatcher
J.K. Simmons - Whiplash
Of any category of the night, this one is a shoo-in for J.K. Simmons. Simmons is just that good in Whiplash. Simmons is very much unlikeable in the film, but he makes you feel the passion for music that his music teacher character Terrence Fletcher has. The character is very much an asshole, no doubt. But you see a beating heart behind it all and that is no easy feat to pull off for Simmons at all. As for the other nominees, each one of them can enjoy the night and the nomination. If anyone has any hope to upset Simmons it might be Mark Ruffalo in Foxcatcher. As Dave Schultz, the famed former Olympic wrestler who meets a very tragic end, Ruffalo brought a level head and heart to the film that helped balance out the mental issues in the story between Steve Carell and Channing Tatum. Edward Norton is great in Birdman and it was great to see him back in a good film like that since he has not done much in the last few years. But you get the sense that he really is kinda playing a version of his reputation in the movie and not much more. Same for Ethan Hawke in Boyhood. Hawke has had a great couple of years of success but the movie is more memorable for other aspects than his performance. And Robert Duvall is an American Treasure of acting and gives an impressive performance in The Judge. Unfortunate for Duvall though, reviews on the film were really mixed and he is film's only nomination. So if Simmons loses this category, expect a huge gasp in the audience as well as some Fletcher like cursing from a few people as well.
Should Win and Will Win:
Patricia Arquette - Boyhood
Lauren Dern - Wild
Keira Knightley - The Imitation Game
Emma Stone - Birdman (or The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
Meryl Streep - Into The Woods
First off, Meryl Streep has no business being nominated. She is fine in Into The Woods, but if anyone from that movie was going to be nominated, it should have been Emily Blunt. So with Streep thankfully not winning, this race becomes more interesting. It was a great surprise seeing Lauren Dern nominated for her heartfelt work in Wild. But she has not really been nominated or won any other acting race so a win here is unlikely. Keira Knightley is great as usual in The Imitation Game but it is the kind of performance we have seen from her before. Emma Stone I think gives the best performance in this category for Birdman. She never really overacted too much and I thought she stood toe to toe quite well with Michael Keaton in that film. But in the end, I think Patricia Arquette takes home the trophy for her work in Boyhood. She gives maybe the most heartfelt performance in the film and the scene at the end where her character's son gets ready to go to college is a heart breaker for any mother who has watched their kid go to school. A lot of older women voting in this category might relate to that. So while it would be good to see Stone win here, Arquette winning would be just as deserved.
Should Win: Emma Stone
Will Win:
That is it for this post. Next time we will look at the Best Actor and Best Actress races. Best Actress is up in the air for any number of the women in that category. Best Actor seems to be going for Michael Keaton but is an upset inevitable in that race?
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